Imagine a world where you could create what you desire easily and effortlessly. Imagine if disease and ill health were a thing of the past. Imagine being able to balance your energy and emotions in a few minutes. Imagine being able to heal any unhealthy or unpleasant situation by simply setting an intention.
All this is possible… and more.
Meet the Power Wand. Designed to be a lifetime companion, this energy healing device is truly magical. By simply running a frequency through the device you can create positive energy in your life, your home or your work space. You can even direct the energy at family and friends who are going through tough times, helping them to heal and improve the quality of their life.
The Power Wand is virtually limitless in its uses. It is dynamic, easy to use and requires zero maintenance. It transcends time and space and can be used to direct positive, healing energy into any situation.
A few of the uses are listed below:
1. An effective shield
Simply run the frequency continually to protect yourself and your space. 15hz is a frequency that stops all parasites, energy and otherwise, in their tracks. So energy vampires can’t stay in your space. I have further observed that if you do have a ‘contract’ that allows these parasites in, then you will be made aware of it.
This usually manifests in increased awareness of your own energy and anyone’s attempts to latch on. In this case you simply turn on your Power Wand, think of the contracts or agreements you have knowingly or unknowingly made and simply blast them into nothingness.
You could achieve a 100% result the first time you do it, but chance are you may require to follow up a few times more as your own subconscious may cling on to these contracts. In which case it is also a good idea to direct the energy at your own beliefs and values.
2. A Manifestation Tool
Look up the relevant frequency for your goal and run the Power Wand at that frequency. Write your goal on a piece of paper and place it under the Power Wand.
Another great method is to also hold the Power Wand at heart centre, visualise your goal and direct the energy emitting from the wand towards it. You can combine both these techniques and create a few more of your own.
3. A Personal Healing Tool
Dr. Hulda Clark’s extensive work in the field of healing through frequencies provides an entire database for you to work with. The organs of the body respond immediately to frequency changes, making the Power Wand and incredibly efficient tool, for both professionals as well as people who are looking to improve the quality of their life. Simply find the relevant frequency and keep the Power Wand running. It will energise and begin the healing process immediately. Of course, do not discontinue medication unless indicated by your doctor. The Power Wand does not have FDA approval, is not a medical device and actually uses quantum physics which quiet out of the purview of regulated medicine.
4. A Professional Healing Tool
Whatever modality you work with, the Power Wand will add a whole new dimension to your healing. Clients will feel the difference instantly and their receptivity in both the etheric and the physical body will improve. Distance healing can also be enhanced effortlessly. You can either beam the frequency or place a photograph and details under the Power Wand
5. Protection From Esmog
In a microwave rich environment it is easy to be depressed and unhappy. ESmog is all around us at all times, making us susceptible to negativity within ourselves and around. Since the Power Wand is essentially an Orgone device which eats up microwaves and converts it into positive energy, you get the double benefit of its incredible healing that successful cocoons you and your loved ones in a good and harmonious bubble.
6. Meditation Aid
Either sit with Power Wand in your hands or close to you. The pulse of the energy will move you into different dimensions magically. You can experiment with different frequencies to enjoy different experiences n your meditation all journeys. Since the Power Wand is also a grounding device, you will come back more focused and clearer in your thought and vision.
7. An Energy Harmonizer
Allowing the Power Wand to even sit I your space without running a frequency is beneficial. The Power Wand is essentially a Super Orgone Device which performs the same tasks as any other Orgone generator. You could choose to keep it running continually at specific frequencies and allow it to enhance your personal energy and also the energy in your living space.
8. Ghost Busting Tool
With its ability to effortlessly open portals into different dimension, the Power Wand can also be used to clear out thought forms and spirits stuck in your space, allowing them to move on.
9. Angel Work
When your space is clean and clear it is easier to communicate with Angels. turn on your Power Wand and enjoy a blissful and insightful channelling or mediation session.
10. Studying Aid
Help your youngsters prepare for exams by running the frequencies for improved concentration and mental dexterity. This really takes the bite out of preparing for exams and keeps your child confident and happy.
The uses of the Power Wand are limited only by your imagination. It is versatile and dynamic and you can experiment and play with it to create your own unique methodology of use.
The moment I touched the Power Wand I felt elated. Once I began running the frequencies through it, OMG, what a powerful, loving feeling. I couldn’t stop crying. I have never felt so much release of pent up emotions in my life. I feel calmer now about my life. True, there are still many issues to deal with, but steadily with the help of the Power Wand I am working through them. My relationship with my family members has improved. My work situation has shown a marked improvement too as I am able to give my 100% to what I am doing. In short my life has changed for the better, I have changed for the better and I now look forward to continuing this wonderful journey. –Meeta Desai, Mumbai
Good day Dan… One of the items earmarked finally sold after you suggested I use the 528 frequency. I placed a picture under the wand… and only did that. When I 1st placed it, I did the visualization and maybe a couple of times after that… and completely forgot about it until yesterday when it sold… Yaaaayyyyyy!!! It was a big ticket item, more than 10k USD. -Sanjay Bhojwani, Jakarta
I have used many different Power Wands made by different people from across the world. Some good, some not so good. I must admit that using your Wand gives me the most joy. The whole operation is so smooth and easy, the results almost instantaneous.
As a professional healer, I work with all kinds of issues. Your Wand is so versatile and the energy so focussed, it feels like I have teamed up with a Master Healer who is inspiring me to grow and evolve every time I work with him. I love the wand so much, I gave one to my daughter and she is using it to heal issues she has been facing with her family. I give your Wand a 5 Star rating. –Mike Rossi, Napa Valley, USA
Hi. Just wanted to share the three things I manifested with the Power Wand to date
- A gold coin that we won after putting the raffle ticket under the wand – although I have to collect it as yet
- My Mum who had a broken Humurus bone left arm got completely healed within 10 weeks at her age of 94, and she suffers from osteo. So her bones are very brittle
- The getting of the exact type of shop that I needed in the perfect location, that also would have a large production area. – Anup Bharwani, UAE
I had purchased a Power Wand a few months ago. Recently I was diagnosed with kidney stones. I decided to use the Power Wand although I admit, I had some reservations about the final outcome. However I was desperate. I wrote an affirmation stating “I WILL TO BE FREE OF THE KIDNEY STONES TODAY AND FOREVER! THANK YOU!” and also ran the appropriate frequencies through the Power Wand. The next morning, the day of my surgery I had a really bad tummy upset. When I got to the hospital however, no matter how hard the doctors tried, there was no sign of the kidney stones anywhere in my system. This was solid evidence for me that the Power Wand works. I am glad that I invested in the Power Wand as I can see immense potential for improving the quality of my life and my family. –Kalyani Patel, Jakarta
Leo… You know a few months ago, I had put under the power wand a note regarding my second daughter… I wanted her to do well in her studies… I had forgotten that it was there under the wand. Today as I was chatting with my aunt regarding the problems I was having with the kid’s school… I realized that what I had written a few months ago is now materializing. The chain of events that took place in the last few months (long story) has now made my daughter do well in her studies. Thank you very much Leo. And I think I also owe you an apology for doubting the power wand’s power… I had been impatient about everything… Which made me come to a conclusion that I was being irrational. A lot has happened in the last few months. And I just want to thank you again. You have made my life and my kid’s life soo beautiful. I would like to share my experience on your website. -Kalyani Patel, Jakarta

After many years of trying for a baby we had almost given up hope. Then we were introduced to orgone. Almost immediately our life changed and today we are parents to a beautiful baby girl. We believe this has happened only because of the power Wand. -Sabir & Emmy Samtani, Australia
My 50 year old husband suffered a major brain stroke on 1st of October 2015. It was major as it was in the vein and not artery. There was a bleed and swelling too… Immunity down he contracted pneumonia and started to puke blood. Doctors listed him critical and said pray! Yes pray I did and God guided me and gave me strength to keep strong and positive. Doctors were skeptical if he would survive and if he did would he ever walk as the stroke had left his entire left body paralyzed! Had been introduced to this “Phenomenal” Power Wand just a few weeks before this tragedy struck. With Leo’s & Dan’s help I started to put my positive intent through the wand and saw the progress in my husbands health. Today with God’s grace, he has started to walk ! And this within 2 months of his stroke! (Please see the video I have sent) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30730700/Testimonials/Durriya%20Suterwala.mp4
And after being told by a senior Doctor that I should make our house wheel chair friendly. Medication, Physio therapy have done there job, I agree; but the wand has helped my family to stay strong, positive and motivated and that has also greatly helped. -Durriya Suterwala, Mumbai
A Lecher Antenna & H3 Antenna were used the test the Power Wand. We were able to verify that the Power Wand has positive energy on the spiritual, relationship and money plane. The Bovis scale was used and the power of the wand measured was 100000 Angstrom. This coincides with the frequency of Aum.
-Adil Koita, Pune
Since we have installed a Power Wand in our home I am able to meditate once again. For over a year I was having difficulty but now I am able to go into deep and restful meditation. My wife is also feeling a positive difference with the Wand. –B P Gaur, Mumbai
For enquiries you can contact us on 02240021023 or email us on [email protected]
Mind Spa Private Limited
5 Bharati Bhavan
211/219 P. D’Mello Road,
Opp. St. George Hospital,
Mumbai 400001.
022 40021023